After Finding The Baby Alligator on The Street The Cop Took Prompt Action

In an interview to the ‘Inside Edition’ Commander Chuck Mulligan said, “He was walking through a parking lot and saw the four-foot alligator. The alligator had gotten out on the Fourth of July and was near roadways, so the deputies had a concern for the gator.”


Usually in such a situation the officers call the local wildlife commission but as it was a baby alligator Deputy Coward decided to handle it himself.  “He threw a bag over its head. It’s a normal issue to see alligators. He just picked it up and put it back in the retention pond so it didn’t get hit by a car,” Mulligan told Inside Edition. “Had it been a 10-12 foot one, they would have handled it differently.”


Most probably with a name such as the deputy’s, you have to prove yourself.


How would you have reacted if faced with a similar situation. Its good to share your opinion.


So that’s how baby alligator was saved by the deputy.


What do you think?