18 Reasons Why Owls Are the Best Animals in The Animal Kingdom

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1. Owls are the best because they are creatures of the night.

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An owl is like a mystical unicorn. You will see it when it wants you to see it.

2. They are the flying ninjas of the animal world.

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Is there a more majestic animal?…No. There isn’t.

3. They make the most adorable babies…sorry, owlets.

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4. They tell the best stories.

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The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson, is a sweet tale about a barn owl named Plop, who tries to conquer his fears of the nighttime. The book has been recommended by clinicians for people who have a phobia of the dark. See, owls help everybody!

Owl Babies by Martin Waddell and Patrick Benson is the story of three baby owls who wake up to find their mother has disappeared. They must face their fears as they wait for her to return.

5. They are the perfect hybrid.

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It’s pure logic: Cat + Bird = Owl.

6. They’re behind every hilarious joke.

7. And the only decent puns are owl puns.

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Nobody gives a hoot if you don’t like owl memes!

8. They’re just great…whether they’re asleep, awake, or somewhere in between.

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An owl is the envy of every human being – they get to spend the entire day asleep.

9. Hearing an owl in the middle of the night is a enchanting thing.


10. David Bowie played an owl in Labyrinth, and that should be a reason on its own.

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Jim Henson’s cult fantasy musical starred the British ‘chameleon of rock’ as Jareth, the Goblin King who stole a child from the human world. He also danced and sung songs, and their were puppets!

11. Without the owl, Harry would have never his that letter.

[boombox_gif_video mp4=”https://amazinganimalphotos.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/5b59fff38640b_OWL_carrying_a_message.mp4″ gif=”https://amazinganimalphotos.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/OWL_carrying_a_message.gif” jpg=”https://amazinganimalphotos.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/5b59fff38640b_OWL_carrying_a_message.jpg”]

Think about that! One snowy owl was the sole reason behind the entire Harry Potter phenomenon!

12. Owl jewelry is amazing, and its the only jewelry worth wearing.

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13. Owl cushion/TV remote holders are just as amazing as owl jewelry.

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14. And this owl costume is to die for!

Courtesy of kigu.co.uk | Buy here

15. All the other animals try to be just like the owl.


16. Wherever you are in the world, an owl will always be watching.

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17. So you might as well embrace the owl…


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18. Because there really isn’t a sassier creature.

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