10 Homemade Human Foods That You Can Feed To Your Cat Too


Since COVID19 has started we are often faced with several problems. One of them is getting supplies for our pets. When you are falling short of cat food supplies, don’t worry– there are several regular homemade human foods that we eat and we can feed to our cats too.

As soon as you find out what we can feed our cats in such situation, you can become creative this time. Find out below how you can creatively give DIY treats to your cat which she will love.

#1 Salmon

Source Photo by Caroline Attwood on Unsplash

Salmon is a very good source of energy that contains Omega-3 and fatty acids. According to Dr. Tina Wismer the Medical Director at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, “It can prove a very delicious food for the cat which is also part of cat food available on markets.” There are really several feline-friendly daily foods that we can give to our cats raw but salmon needs to be cooked before feeding it to the cat.

2. Spinach

Source Photo by Dose Juice on Unsplash

Spinach is an other popular food that contains vitamins such as A, C and K and minerals such as iron and calcium. According to Dr. Wismer, “Spinach is a cat friendly treat that you can feed your cat.” Contrarily, if any cat has a history of calcium Oxalate bladder stones then spinach should be avoided.

Generally, spinach is added to many commercial cat foods due to several health benefits. You can see it added in several canned cat foods such as Purina Beyond Grain-Free ocean whitefish as one of the key ingredients. Which is natural pat-style food very good for grown up cats.

3. Fish Oils

Source Photo by Anshu A on Unsplash

The popular Emmy-award winning Vet Dr.Jeff Werber says “start whipping out the fish oil cat supplements.” We would see many pet owners would only like to feed fish oil to dogs alone. However, fish oils are essential for both pets cats and dogs. When you compare Salmon with cod liver oil, you will find Omega 3 in fish oil which will prevent dryness of skin in the cold seasons by keeping the cat’s fur healthy through all other seasons.

All those pet friendly supplements driven from wildly caught fish such American Journey Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil protect animals by providing them healthy skin coat due to presence of fatty acids.

4. Eggs

Source Photo by Laura Lauch on Unsplash

Dr. Wismer says “Eggs are rich in proteins and Vitamin B which are absolutely safe to feed cats on.” They also need to be cooked like Salmon to give to cats to avoid the chances of food borne diseases. You will find abundance of eggs in several cat foods like Tiki Cat Koolina Luau canned cat food as featured ingredients.

You can see how beneficial eggs can be for not only humans but cats too. Your cat would love to have the same breakfast as her human.

5. Cantaloupe

Source Photo by Isaac N.C. on Unsplash

Cantaloupe is one more very delicious food. It contains antioxidants and beta-carotene which will also help the many pets including cats to retain good health, skin and eyes. Dr. Wismer believes, “Cantaloupe is one of many cat-friendly fruits.”

6. Chicken

Source Photo by Tim Bish on Unsplash

Unlike dogs as they are omnivores, cats are carnivores which mostly need meaty foods because their digestive system would not digest many other foods. Dogs can eat different foods and easily digest fibrous diets while cats can’t. According to Weber”cats don’t like every human food that dogs do.” But they love just any type of chicken.

It’s not the only fact that cats love chicken it is a fine source of lean protein as well. But do remove the skin first, clean it and then cook it. Chicken is also found in the featured ingredients of several feline foods available on markets. The cat foods such as Rachael Ray Nutrish real chicken, brown rice dry cat food and Tiny Tiger chicken pate canned cat food use chicken as primary ingredient.

7. Bananas

Source Photo by Yoko Correia Nishimiya on Unsplash

Bananas are rich in potassium and soluble fiber. They provide ample amount of energy to humans so would they to cats. According to Dr. Wismer, “They are considered safe snacks for cats.” There is no denying that they are not healthy yet do not feed the cat with bananas more than 10% of her daily diet or calories. It is better to organized weekly diet schedule for cats. It would be easy to manage the percentage of diet containing bananas.

8. Oatmeal

Source Photo by Melissa Di Rocco on Unsplash

Oatmeal being enriched with vitamin B is very digestible for cats. Humans feed on it so can cats. It is also important ingredient of various cat food available in the market. Cat foods such as Natural Balance Fat Cats which is dry cat food contains oat.
Remember one thing, just because oatmeal is cat friendly does not mean you should feed her on it outright as a complete meal. The cats will take sometime to get used to it. So one should add it bit-by-bit to her food and before making it a compulsory ingredient of their daily diet make sure they like it.

9. Pumpkin

Source Photo by Aleksey Boev on Unsplash

Everyone asks can cats eat pumpkin which has less calories and more fiber. Pumpkin also helps cats suffering from excessive stool to regain normalcy. Pumpkin is absolutely safe that you can add to their daily diet.

The commercial cat supplements which are available on market which help pet owner to add pumpkin into a cat’s diet. Even the single pouch of Pumpkin Patch Up supplement which contains pumpkin help healthy gut mobility.

10. Cheese

Source Photo by Paul Gaudriault on Unsplash

Many cat owners often wonder whether cats can handle some lactose and cheese or not? It is absolutely cat friendly. The answer is Yes but as Dr. Wismer says, “Only hard cheese, cheddar, Swiss or Gouda.” All these cheeses contain calcium and protein in a higher amount and the cat owners can easily bake them or even feed them raw in small pieces.

What do you think?