Crying Cat Memes Is The New Craze Among Catizens – 30+ Crying Cat Memes

We adore cats when they make a face like if they are really crying. However, seeing that crying cat meme contest started on reddit which has become a trend now. The cute pal kitties look more adorable when their eyes fill with tears.

Even though it is not expression of grief like us humans. There is a different definition to that. Crying cat memes is a raging meme share tag these days. We acknowledge that we adore cats in every phase of their life.

Why crying cat meme is so popular?

The trend started on various social platforms including twitter, imgur and reddit to create memes of cats with tears just for fun. There is a very active r/cryingcatmemes subreddit where users share the funny cat pics with some text on them.

#1 It would be like that

via Rumman

#2 Crying cat dank meme
via dank memes

#3 14yr crying

via patchkid

#4 r/dankmemes banning us was all for an april fools contest

via thestuffdoerguything

# 5 yeet

#6 the only person i get messages from is my mom

#7 Mom, come quick, something’s happened

via reddit

#8 *visible sadness*
via bbwtpe

#9 ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
via jelle peters

#10 If y’all didn’t know

via whoisjunhong

#11 cat hiding
via meilr

#12 social interaction
via imgur

#13 Right in f-front of my s-salad

via bunvua

#14 But it’s his birthday

via dinoduckasaur

#15 love is pain
via h7en

#16 i love art class
via fz_leee

#17 sad cat
via ohmanits

#18 what a wondrous age this is in which we’re living


#19 Sad cat even in games
via imgur

#20 I did it anyways
via primereason

#21 every time
via sleepkittycat

#22 Foods gonna be extra salty tonight ?
via phornicaite

#23 Oof ouch my secret identity

via desk1234

#24 a very sad cat dank meme
memes crying cat via sadcat

#25 Not sure if this one has been done yet

crying cat meme collage via tobestertobes

#26 This is art
crying cat art via

#27 Being sad inside but happy outside
memes of crying cat via phornicaite

#28 I already knew that, but it’s nice to have evidence

raging cat meme via phornicaite

#29 Keep that juul vaping

annoyed cat meme via xcdfgh

#30 Grandpa pls
cat very angry meme via grandpa

#31 IM NOT!!!
yelling cat pics via littlepeepepeepeboye

crying cat playing game VIA IMGUR

#33 So you’re just gonna scroll by without saying meowdy?

crying cat pic via reddit

#34 don’t talk to me or my son

funny crying cat meme via dinoduckasaur

What do you think?